Strategies for Increasing Adult Vaccination Rates

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice video

Standards for Adult Immunization Practice

The video illustrates the implementation of best practices of the Adult Immunization Standards.

Majority of U.S. Adults Are Missing Routine Vaccinations

A Call to Action to Protect All Adults from Vaccine-Preventable Disease and Disability

Vaccinations are critical components of routine healthcare for adults. They provide protection against severe illness, disability, and death from 15 different infectious diseases such as influenza, pneumococcal disease, herpes zoster (shingles), hepatitis A, hepatitis B, HPV-related cancers, tetanus, and pertussis (whooping cough). The enormous impact of COVID-19 vaccines on reducing illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths further demonstrates the immense value of vaccines.

Despite the tremendous benefit of vaccines, at least 3 out of every 4 adults are missing one or more routinely recommended vaccines. Given the recognized health benefits of adult vaccinations and low rates of adult vaccination, made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Adult and Influenza Immunization Summit (NAIIS) members call on providers across the healthcare spectrum to take actions to improve vaccination of adults.

Specifically, NAIIS calls on all clinicians and other healthcare providers, such as pharmacists, occupational health, and clinical subspecialists, to follow the National Vaccine Advisory Committee’s (NVAC) Standards for Adult Immunization Practice including:

  • Assess the vaccination status of patients at all clinical encounters, even among clinicians and other providers who do not stock vaccines.
    • Utilize a jurisdiction’s immunization information system (IIS) to view patients’ prior vaccinations to support vaccine needs assessment.
  • Identify vaccines patients need, then clearly recommend needed vaccines.
  • Offer needed vaccines or refer patients to another provider for vaccination.
  • Document vaccinations given, including in the jurisdiction’s IIS.
    • Many electronic health record (EHR) systems already link to jurisdictions’ IISs – providers should check with their EHR administrators.
    • Providers not already utilizing an IIS should contact their local or state immunization program to inquire about enrolling in their jurisdiction’s IIS.
  • Measure vaccination rates of providers’ patient panels; making changes to clinic patient flow and taking other steps to address barriers to patient vaccination.

Taking these actions will help protect adults across the U.S. against preventable illness, disability, and death.

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